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In 2021, our generous community made our dream of creating a performing arts studio a reality and that space is currently being transformed into an inspiring learning space for our students.

Throughout the College’s history benefactors have supported The ²ÝÁñ¶ÌÊÓƵ Building Fund  and allowed Wesley to complete building projects as the Mildred Manning Science Centre, Ward and Kefford Wing renovations and Joseph Green Centre just to name a few. These are innovative spaces that impact on the education and lives of our students.

How to make a donation

If you would like to make a donation you can do so by clicking the ‘Donate Online’ button below. Alternatively, you can download the a donation form here.

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Donations to ²ÝÁñ¶ÌÊÓƵ Building Fund are tax deductible.

Do you need some assistance? We’d be happy to help!

Please contact Alexandra Robertson, Development Manager or Mary Henry, Director of Community Relations on +61 8 9368 8000, between 8.00am–5.00pm, Monday to Friday, or email us at