‘In today’s world it is vital we maintain children’s ability to dream, the desire to create and the skills needed to do so. Add to this the capacity to build and nurture relationships and they will possess what is required for future success in this ever-changing world.’
Jo Edinger, Head of Junior School
Pre-kindergarten to Year 4 | Co-educational
A strong sense of belonging permeates from the moment you step into Wesley’s Junior School. Students here thrive in a busy, enthusiastic learning environment, full of energy and a desire to learn and experience all that Wesley can offer.
The Junior School embraces the philosophy that co-education is important in the foundation years. Boys and girls learn from each other and establish important social and emotional building blocks when in a co-educational setting.
The Junior School years are imperative to ensure children have the building blocks for success. Our teachers are chosen for their nurturing, caring qualities and ability to support each child in all their needs. Children’s social, emotional, intellectual and physical needs are all equally important and develop at differing rates as all children are on a unique journey. Our educators are experts at supporting each child by identifying and working with them and their families to help them to achieve their potential and flourish in a happy, inspiring environment.
A strong foundation of explicit literacy and numeracy teaching is balanced with an Inquiry program that promotes critical and creative thinking, questioning, problem-solving and independent learning. Students are challenged, creativity is harnessed and critical thinking is developed to positively support and build the children’s learning in a fun, happy and nurturing environment.
The Junior School Sustainability Garden has become one of the most-loved features of the Wesley campus since its construction in 2012. With the ongoing care and commitment of our students and staff (including a dedicated Sustainability specialist teacher) the space has truly flourished. The Sustainability Garden includes chickens, worm farms, vegetable gardens and various trails featuring natural and recycled materials. Junior School students are encouraged to care for this special community space but to also engage and connect with the natural environments around them. The children regularly pull on their gum boots and get to work in the garden whether it is planting, raking, feeding the chickens or worms, identifying insects or filling wheelbarrows – the garden is a place for hands–on, muddy learning and fun!
Enrichment (Gifted and Talented )
²ÝÁñ¶ÌÊÓƵ is committed to the learning success of each and every student. Our vision is for all students to become Strong Thinkers, Purposeful Doers, Powerful Self-activators and Positive Connectors. We are committed to seeing our most capable students strive for excellence and success in their learning.
Driven by our ‘By daring & by doing’ philosophy from Pre-kindergarten to Year 12 we recognise the importance of students learning to persevere, accept new challenges and strive for success. Our hope is that these learnings will remain with them long after they have graduated. In the Junior School we offer a range of opportunities for highly able students – ranging from daily classroom experience through to unique clubs and competitions that will build upon the strengths and talents of individual children.
Scientist in Residence Program
Year 4 is a special year at ²ÝÁñ¶ÌÊÓƵ. The Year 4 curriculum is designed to integrate the Western Australian curriculum requirements with a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) focus. STEAM fits perfectly with the Junior School’s Inquiry model requiring critical thinking, engaging and relevant learning experiences and perseverance.
Focusing on STEAM provides students with an exciting classroom experience which embeds hands-on, real learning and breaks traditional gender roles. It is learning relevant to the 21st century and prepares students for jobs that don’t currently exist and will rely on agile learning, thinking and problem solving.
The Year 4 students work with different ‘real life’ scientists each term as part of our Scientist in Residence Program. Each scientist is employed for a 6 – 8 week block and work alongside the students. The children use the College’s state–of-the-art Science Centre as well as the educators bringing science to the classroom and outdoor spaces. Each term the students scientific focus shifts to a different field, for example; astronomy, chemical science, biology, environmental science and engineering .
After School Activities
We offer a wide range of after school activities for children to be involved in. Including ; a range of sports such as soccer, tennis, volley ball, hockey, swimming etc; dance, Chinese, chess, robotics, coding, Spanish. Parents will be notified of the activities in the holidays prior to each term.
The Year Groups
The teaching and learning program in the early years is designed to help children develop skills, knowledge and conceptual understanding that will form the foundation for future learning. Educational experiences suited to a range of learning styles are carefully planned with real-life relevance and purpose.
Jo Edinger – Head of Junior School
We believe that young children learn best through their interactions with their environment, by exploring, experimenting, touching, building, and doing things by and for themselves. Our classrooms are purposefully prepared environments, with stimulating materials where learning is hands-on and experiential. We encourage students to explore, make discoveries, and use their imaginations.